Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sneak Preview from Monday's Family Session...

Here are a couple photos from a session on Monday... this family was very easy to work with. We had a near-miss with some goose-poop trying to find a location where it was safe to sit on the ground... but once we did, it went great!!

And here's one of just the kids...

The guys were trying to refer me to their agents, but I convinced them that using them as models on my site was part of the whole deal :)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lovely First Communion Session

I wanted to post these images as a quick preview from yesterday's session... Miss "L" was such a sweet model!

We got some beautiful shots of her in her First Communion dress... it was quite a change from seeing her in the visor and softball uniform that I saw her in all spring!

One more that's not so "communion-ey," but I couldn't resist this sweet expression :)

And one more thanks goes out to "Blonde Twin" and "Green Twin" for being awesome "Assistant / Backdrop Holders"!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Who would have guessed this beautiful location could be found in Wilmington, IL?

I had the opportunity to take some photos of a fun family right after the July 4th holiday at this GREAT location! "J" told me when we set up the session that she had a envisioned barefeet and river rocks, but didn't know where we could take photos like that. I told her I had just the spot... and they loved it!

What a great location for this family! Mom and dad were both willing to splash around and get wet - even kneeling in the water with the kids for a few shots!

Their little guy, "N", is 2 and quite a character! He had lots of fun running and sliding around, and his baby sister, "D", seemed to enjoy the water too.

And being the good hubby that he is, "R" scored some major points when he suggested some photos of the 2 of them alone before we finished...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fun photo shoot at the beach...

Well, I'm finally getting around to posting a preview of this little sweetheart from last Friday's session! "Miss M" just turned two, and she was a doll! I am discovering that photographing toddlers is quite different than my two (mostly) willing children - they don't like to sit still, and they don't take direction quite as well :)

"M" did have a great time walking in the water along the beach, and even wading in a bit. Luckily mom was open to the kids getting a little wet!!

What a little beauty... I'd just love to know what she's thinking...

And one quick shot of her 5 year old brother... he was busy throwing sticks and things in the water, or digging in the sand, for most of the time. I did convince "I" to sit for a few quick shots... but then then the water beckoned again and he was off!

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