This morning I woke up to find all the trees in our neighborhood covered in ice - my kids and I were commenting that it looked like a fairy tale, or a winter wonderland! So after we dropped my daughter off at school, my son and I headed to the local forest preserve to check out all of the beauty nature has to offer on a COLD winter morning!

This next one I was trying to catch the sun coming in through the trees, but I'm not sure I got exactly the look I was trying for. Forgot my lens hood, too! I still do like it, even if the sun is a bit bright and distracting... another one of those shots I was practically laying on my stomach in the snow to try to get the right angle!!

This one I converted to BW using an infrared filter... thought it gave it a really cool effect.

And one more showing the gorgeous bright blue sky:

OK, now we've had our share of snow... I'm ready for spring :)