Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Best friends...

Last week, my neighbor "S" came over and begged for me to do a photo session with her and her best friend, who was visiting from out of state. "K" used to live here in town, but her family moved a couple years ago, and they were so excited to see each other again!! "S" even offered to pay me for the session and some prints, but we worked out a trade.... photo session and some prints in exchange for some free babysitting in the future... works for me :)

"S" has been over here several times already, saying that "K" keeps calling and wanting to know when they get to see the photos... they're a bit impatient :) So here are a couple for you... I'll get to the rest as soon as I can, I promise :)

These two were so goofy but sweet, and we had a great time taking these. It was nice to meet you, "K"!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Adorable at two... even sweeter at three!

Miss "M" and her brother "I" are more repeat customers.... I photographed her last year when she turned two (you may recognize her from my website or the large canvas I had printed of her - the girl in the water!)

This year she was not as shy, but still as cute, even if her interest in getting her photo taken was somewhat limited. Her big brother was much more cooperative than last year, though! Here is "I", trying to demonstrate for his little sister how I wanted them to lay in the grass together...

Partway through the session, Miss M spied a bag of Tootsie Pops I had in the van for bribes, and wanted to know if she could have one. I explained that I keep those for kids who do a great job getting their picture taken, and then they get one at the end of the session. Here is a photo of her at the end of the session when I was trying to get her to smile by saying things that make her happy, like "Happy Birthday" or "Dora and Boots" - she came back with "Suckers!!!"

And Mom really wanted to get a hugging shot of the kids.... how's this?! I told you we got some great ones of them together this year.... I love it!!!

Hope you enjoy your sneak peek :)