I was lucky to get to work with this family again... I first took N's pics last fall when he was only 3 months old (see the link here: http://heidikreitzphotography.blogspot.com/2008/11/mini-session-with-two-sweet-munchkins.html ). Now, we were commemorating his 1st birthday!!
He wasn't real thrilled about smiling whenever I stuck that big black box in his face, but we managed to get some adorable shots nonetheless.

I was excited to get some pics with him and mom's gear. She is a firefighter, and I thought these photos were so cool! The helmet was awesome... it belonged to mom, and her father before her! Great family tradition!!

Then we broke out the cake!! N did not hesitate to dive in and get his hands (and face, and everything else!) dirty. I think we can safely say this was his favorite part of the session :)

Love how his hand is completely buried in the cake up to his wrist!

And finally, one that is kind of an outtake, but I think it is SO funny I had to post it! We all know this feeling, when we have stuffed ourselves and feel like we cannot possibly eat another bite. Ever. The way he's kind of sitting there in a stupor is just priceless. Love it!!!

So, thanks again to the C family for allowing me to work with you! I had alot of fun, and I hope you did too. Enjoy your previews, and I'll let you know when the entire gallery is ready for viewing!