Friday, April 17, 2009

Newborn Baby D!

I was fortunate to be able to photograph my friend M's new baby... her fourth, and her first boy! This was just a quick mini session, but we did pull out some fun "boy" props that we weren't able to use the last time. I'm not going to blog those yet, because she hasn't chosen her birth announcements and they should be a surprise!

But here are a couple previews... Mr. D was SO cute and sweet. Made me wonder why I stopped at two!

I just adore how his fist is pushing in on his little lip in the second one... too too cute!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break Snow Day?!!

I usually try to keep my blog posts related to clients or other photography news, but I just had to post these on here today! We woke up to a snow-covered yard (not what I want to see in April!) and the kids decided to take advantage of their spring break to play outside. It was a nice day and good for them to get outside for a while!

Emma was having fun building a snowman, but Ben wasn't really that excited about it. He spent more time rolling around and making "snow bombs", also known as snowballs that "bombed" his sister and her snowman!

And here is Buddy, the finished product. Emma wasn't so sure she wanted Ben in the photo, because she said he didn't contribute very much to the snowman, but he did help shape the head so she finally allowed him in the photo with her!!

And to bring this back to be photography-related... my monitor calibrator has been on the fritz for a while, so I'm questioning the color on my photos. Any photographers who are calibrated... do these look OK or do they look off? I need some calibrated eyes to help out here!!! Thanks :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cake Smash with Miss A!

As I mentioned earlier, we did a cake smash session with Miss A for her one-year pics as well. I couldn't decide which I liked best, so I made a storyboard with my faves. They're all SO cute!!!

This cake smash was so much fun... I wish I had done them with my children when they turned one, but never thought about it. I would do one for my youngest at his next birthday, but 7 might be a little too old!