Friday, February 26, 2010

FUN February... Photo 22!

Still behind, but at least I'm not falling even further back. Here's a fun one... next time I want to try to get bigger bubbles :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

FUN February... Photo 21!

I had this idea in my head earlier in the month, but the lighting has never been quite right to do what I had in mind. So today, I helped a friend with some photos for a product he has developed and is going to be selling online, and once we were done I took advantage of the lighting setup and the white backdrop to try it out!

I think it's kinda fun :)

FUN February... Day 20!

Or to be more accurate, PHOTO 20 :) I may have fallen behind, but I'm determined to get all 28 photos for February up here, one way or another!!

My kids helped me pick out a bouquet of flowers yesterday... they serve a dual purpose: making the kitchen look cheerful AND providing me with a willing subject!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

FUN February... Day 19!

I was letting the dogs out last night and noticed how beautiful these cattails looked over our back fence... with the sun setting and backlighting them so beautifully.

So I threw on some boots, headed out back, and captured this before the sun set (with a small black dog jumping around my ankles the entire time, of course)...

FUN February... Day 18!

This candle smells SOOO good... wish I was able to make this a scratch-n-sniff to share with all of you :)

FUN February... Day 17!

This is pretty self-explanatory... a glass of a delicious pinot to relax after a LONG week!

FUN February... Day 16!

I've been a bit behind this week... spent WAAAY too many hours at the doctor's office and the hospital getting tests done for my sick daughter. Luckily, she seems to have kicked this recurrent strep and is back to school this afternoon :)

So I'm playing catch-up for the last 4 days...

First, a photo of the IL state quarter. My daughter has been learning her states and capitals, which made me think of the quarters she received from my grandfather for Christmas.

Monday, February 15, 2010

FUN February... Day 15!

OK, another one that's not exactly fun! I also call this photo "Why Exercise Hurts"...

My DH was doing pull-ups when the bracket supporting the chin-up bar broke. He landed on his back and his elbow on the cement floor, and then the bar crashed down on his face. It was a pretty nasty split in his eyebrow at first, but it's actually looking better here. Ouch!

FUN February... Day 14!

Forgot again yesterday... luckily, I was distracted from my day of boredom when our neighbor was able to come over and watch the kids so hubby and I could go for a Valentine's Day date :) Amazingly enough... this was the 19th anniversary of our first date. Wow, does that make me sound old!! I'm just so lucky to have found someone so wonderful to spend my life with...

Here is a sweet photo in honor of Valentine's Day and my three sweeties... one kiss for each!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

FUN February... Day 13!

Today's photo was set up by my DD Emma... she had an idea, and this is what we ended up with.

Introducing... "Casual Canine" starring Zoey :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

FUN February... Day 12!

Finally, Day 12's photo which was taken on Day 12 :)

Not exactly a "fun" photo, but this has been my life the past few days. Daughter with strep yet AGAIN... she missed her Valentine's party today, poor kiddo. I'm SO ready for spring, nice weather, and hopefully healthier kids!!

FUN February... Day 11!

Technically, this isn't a Day 11 photo, but it is my 11th photo that I'm posting for the month! I actually took this a couple days ago (same day I did the other abstract) but didn't post it yet. Things have been hectic lately and I didn't get a chance to shoot anything yesterday. So, it is a new photo, just taken a couple days ago!

I don't think this one will be as hard to guess as the other one... any takers? :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

FUN February... Day 10!

OK, technically I'm posting this on Day 11, but I truly did take it yesterday (just too tired to get it up last night). This shot of Miss M was taken during our modeling/comp card session yesterday morning, and I can say that it was truly one of the most fun sessions I've ever done! She was so cute and full of fire (as is typical for an almost-5-yr old), and she was SOOO cooperative!! She did make me laugh when we'd be in the middle of shooting a series and she'd just hop right off the stool and inform me "Isn't it time to take a little break now? I need a drink of water!"

We took some really fun shots yesterday, but I think this was one of my faves. We had on some kids' music and she was dancing away for me... I just love the expression on her face!! You can just see her energy and that she is having a blast!

I still can't believe I get paid to have fun with kids and capture moments like this... this is why I love my job :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

FUN February... Day 9!

OK, there is nothing amazing or photographically fantastic about this picture (it was even taken through the window)... I just thought it was a really funny shot of my really BAAAAAAAD dog sitting on my table!! Ha!

I certainly hope he doesn't think this kind of behavior is acceptable on any other tables, and once it gets nice out and we are eating, drinking and otherwise entertaining on the furniture outside that it will not continue :)

I think my big, tough puppy doesn't like sitting in the cold snow!

FUN February... Day 8!

OK, once again I missed a post yesterday (oops!) so I'm making two today to catch up.

Here is a colorful abstract macro... this was very fun to create!!

I'm wondering if anyone can figure out what this is? Please feel free to post your guesses in the comments and I'll let you know if anyone gets it right!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

FUN February... Day 7!

I just adore eyelashes :) These beauties belong to my daughter... identifiable by her sweet little freckled cheeks!

I shot this one using my 100mm macro, set to manual focus. It was interesting trying to nail the focus b/c Emma would sway just the slightest little bit, and move right out of the plane of focus. More fun experimenting with my macro lens though :)

FUN February... Day 6!

This was a picture I took as a test shot when getting my lights ready for the Daddy/Daughter Dance... they had fun, and I ADORE this shot!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

FUN February... Day 5!

Again, sort of Day 5. It's photo 5 on Day 6... I'll have to catch up this weekend :)

This morning, I found a mysterious set of tiny pawprints that looked to be leading right out of my garage into the driveway, up towards the front steps where they turned around and walked back down the driveway and out in to the street. Curious...

We received such a light dusting of snow last night, I like how you can see the texture of the concrete right in the pawprint :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

FUN February... Day 4!

Well, sort of :) I actually had this idea set up for yesterday (thanks to Ben, he wanted me to do this one) but it was too dark before I was able to get to it, and I didn't have time to set up the lights (they're packed up for the Daddy-Daughter Dance tomorrow night). SOOOO... the candy-cane hearts for Day 4 had to wait till today! But I do have an idea for Day 5 that I'm hoping to get to... if the weather cooperates.

But for now... some more candy to make you smile :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

FUN February... Day 3!

Today I was hoping to post a fun photo from my modeling/comp card session, but that was postponed due to a 102 fever. Poor girl, I hope she feels better soon!

Since I had everything all ready for a session, I decided to take advantage and get some pics of my own kids since they had an early release from school. Luckily, my theme for the month is "FUN," because this was the best I got out of them today! I do have a series of Ben sticking his tongue out, hair flying around while he was jamming on the air drums, and generally being a goof. Emma really wanted some with the pups, but after this I had no patience left to try to bring two skittish dogs in front of the lights!

I guess some days the PKS (photographer's kid syndrome) is more evident than others :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

FUN February... Day 2!

I think I'm going to enjoy the challenge I set for myself with a photo every day. Today I found inspiration in something that I see every day, and hear nearly every day as my daughter practices...

Monday, February 1, 2010

FUN February!!!

Well, I have decided that my blogging history has been rather dismal, and it's time to do something about it!! I have seen some do 365 days of photos, or a theme like "Macro Monday", etc. Well, it's too late in 2010 to start the 365 theme, but I thought it would be fun to come up with something else.

SO... FUN February was born :) I decided that I need to just pick up the camera and shoot for myself more often. I'm going to try to post a new photo every day of something that I find fun... whether it be fun pics of my pets or kids, a funny client photo, or just random items that I find fun to shoot (be prepared for some macros, as I really want to learn my macro lens better)!

With that said, here is my first photo... nothing says fun to me like a pile of brightly colored skittles!

Come back tomorrow for more fun photos!!