Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Adorable Family at Cantigny!

Sunday afternoon I had a long-awaited session... this was with a family that I hadn't seen in nearly 2 years, when I took their youngest son E's newborn pics! This session was supposed to take place last fall, and then in the spring, and then earlier in the summer... but sick children, uncooperative weather, and life in general just seemed to get in the way. So FINALLY we were able to meet up at Cantigny Gardens in Wheaton. What a fantastic location!

We found so many wonderful spots for family photos... look at this fabulous reflecting pond with a little dock. The boys would have stayed there all day if they could.

Here's one of T&E just hanging out together... love how big brother is so sweet to the little guy. He was so cute, leading him around by the hand and chasing him through the flowers to make him laugh!

I love this family shot... too cute for words!!

Thanks so much, J&P, for letting me capture your family memories! The boys are just adorable, and it was great to see how quickly they have grown. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Redheaded Beauty!

Lacey is my final 2011 Senior Rep... and did her photos ever turn out fantastic!!

We had some fun with some outdoor, urban-type photos first...

then headed to the state park for some OUTSTANDING shots by (and in) the river. We had an interesting time on the banks of that river - discovering a creepy "worm/snake/caterpillar" that found a new home on her bag, Lacey using her eagle-eyes to spot my reflector floating down the stream after "Assistant Kate" (good thing I wasn't paying her!) lost it - all good times!! LOL

(Isn't her hair AMAZING??!!)

Finally, we did some in studio as well. I just love her smile, and she was so sweet too!! I was extremely fortunate to have such beautiful, fun, and photogenic Senior Reps this year!

Be sure to tell Lacey how much you love her senior photos, and get a card for $25 off your session from her!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2010 Mini Session Dates announced...

I have set the dates for my 2010 Holiday Mini Sessions! Locations to be determined... we will aim to have the photos outside, with the studio as a backup plan if the weather does not cooperate.

If you are interested, book soon! These popular sessions fill up quickly!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Gorgeous Senior Girls...

I've been sitting on these images of two of my 2011 Senior Reps for a while now... we took the outdoor ones at the end of July and the studio ones a week or so later! I've been so swamped with other stuff I haven't had a chance to edit all the studio pics yet! I realized it's just WRONG of me not to share these gorgeous photos with the world, so here are a few...

First, Emily... my nature-loving, cowboy-boot-wearing, kid-loving neighbor...

(OMG... can you say AMAZING!!!)

And her twin sister, Kate... who is artsy and fun (and thinks I'm "hip for a mom" so of course I love her LOL)...

(MY FAVORITE!!!! I want to put her on a magazine!!!)

And a fun one of the twins together... I love that they have such different and unique personalities, yet they are still friends and can make each other laugh. Awesome!!

Since Kate and Emily are Senior Reps for me... find them (and tell them how much you love their photos!), ask for a card, and you will receive $25 off your session fee!