Monday, November 5, 2007

And yet another senior boy... no girls for me yet!!

"C" was my third senior session - another soccer player! I should be a pro at "guy poses" soon!!

We scheduled this session for 9 a.m. on a Friday the kids didn't have school... which was a bit on the early side. I promised to make it as short and painless as possible so he could crawl back in bed!

His mom (also put to work holding my reflector!) was hoping for some great fall colors at the forest preserve, but we just didn't get many reds this year. Here's one with a hint of color...

And even though I forgot to stamp it as such, this one is my fave from the session...


Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi. Your photos are great. I'm messaging because (from your blogging) you seem to be just starting out with your biz, and I am as well. You seem a bit more along than me, so I was kind of hoping you could give me some pointers in a few areas. If you don't mind, I would love to email or something. I am in Texas, so don't worry, I would not be a threat!!! LOL. You can reach me at